News & information on Antarctica & the Southern Ocean

Highest astronomical tides; managing the increasing threat – Graeme Blick [video]

On Friday 8 April, 2016, The Antarctic Report hosted a conference in New Zealand's largest city, Auckland, called Sea Level Rise: Implementing Adaptation Strategies. The conference brought together international experts, as well as New Zealand’s leading policy makers, scientists and key industry representatives, to showcase effective adaptation strategies to manage the impact of sea level rise in New Zealand.


In the fourth presentation of the conference, Graeme Blick, Chief Geodesist for Land Information New Zealand, explains the factors that combine to produce perigean spring tides, also called King Tides, as well as the various tidal forces at play on the New Zealand coastline, and which areas are most vulnerable to sea level rise. He also discusses predictions for when the top 10 highest tides can be expected over the next 20 years, how accurate tide readings can be gauged, and how better elevation data can be obtained along New Zealand's coastlines.



About Graeme Blick

Graeme Blick is Chief Geodesist for the National Geodetic Office, Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), New Zealand’s national survey and mapping agency. He works on and manages the development and implementation of the geodetic system in New Zealand, including management of its semi-dynamic datum. He has worked for the then New Zealand Geological Survey (now GNS Science) in their Earth Deformation Section using geodetic techniques to measure, monitor and study crustal deformation across New Zealand. 


Next presentation:

Click here for the fifth presentation in the series, featuring Rob Bell, Programme Leader for the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research’s (NIWA) Climate & Hazards Centre.


Sea Level Rise: Implementing Adaptation Strategies was organised in association with AUT and The Royal Society of New Zealand


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